Smart Education Vs Traditional Education System – Which Is The Best?

Education in the 21st century has progressed in many ways. This is not only in terms of content in various subjects or the emergence of new specialised fields in education but also in how educational institutes have transitioned to newer modes of teaching. One core driver in terms of the latter has been technology. As technology has encouraged newer modes of education, be it in the context of contributing to virtual and on-site education, one of the latest ongoing debates in academia has been assessing whether traditional education is better or worse than smart education. This article will list the advantages of both education systems. 

How Traditional Are We Talking?

Understanding that education has progressed from homeschooling to the emergence of public and private schools, how backwards is education in traditional education systems? The easiest way to differentiate between traditional and smart education is by considering the materials present in the classroom. In a conventional classroom, in terms of materials teachers use, there are chalkboards and blackboards that each class relies on. While this later also extended to the introduction of marker pens and whiteboards, it did not significantly contribute to evolving the way teachers would use the board. It was still, for instance, used to note things for the classroom to see. Only still write on the board. In terms of materials used by students in traditional educational institutes, even college students, for instance, have to rely on notebooks to stay in sync with the content taught.

In a smart education classroom, by contrast, materials in the classroom are different. It is not restricted to those existing in a typical classroom and would integrate various digital technologies into the teaching process. For instance, the introduction of smart boards has allowed teachers to write on a screen and use tools from the internet for teaching. Digital content, language learning software and related technologies are also used in smart education systems to provide more flexibility and an immersive learning experience. In simple terms, the infusion of audio-visual tools and digital content contributes to smart educational systems. 

How Else Is Smart Learning Better Than Traditional Learning Systems?

The difference between intelligent and traditional education systems is not limited to the material used. There are other aspects which promote a more sustainable educational system which encourages an immersive learning experience for all. Here are some of the primary key points when distinguishing between the two types of systems:

The Role of the Teacher

One of the biggest advantages of embracing a smart system is that a smart educational classroom limits the teacher’s role to a facilitator that helps students to be independent in their studies. What this means is that in a traditional context, children had to depend more on teachers to learn during a specific period. All students had to have their eyes on the teacher, taking notes on what they were saying. Hence, no attempt is usually made to contribute to the class, resulting in a less immersive educational environment. In a smart classroom, however, the number of things integrated changes the role. Instead of relying on the teacher, the student is encouraged to research and read other resource material on the subject matter. Hence, students are taught the importance of immersive learning, where they take their own steps to gain more information. 

Learn at Your Own Pace

A defining characteristic of smart education is that it offers students flexibility. Due to platforms like learning management systems, students can take their time to understand a lesson. In a typical classroom, students struggle to focus throughout, leading them to miss out on a specific lesson. A recorded lecture would be available later in a smart education system. Alternatively, students do not have to restrict themselves to one textbook to understand something. Instead, they can use other useful sources that have been recommended or find their own on the internet. Smart education platforms guide students to act on their doubts and learn independently. This same feature may be present in a traditional education system. However, since students are constantly told to rely on the teacher and the textbook, a student that misses one class would feel like they are way behind.

More Engagement

In addition to the increased interest of students to comprehensively understand the subject matter, there would be more engagement because teachers can monitor students’ progress easily. For example, an online platform used by an educational institute makes it easy for the teaching staff to record each student’s performance; a teacher can instantly know which students are falling behind. To help them, the teacher would use tactics to increase their engagement and interest in the subject matter. Hence, students will be given equal attention instilling an atmosphere where every student is included in classroom activities. Smart classrooms are also said to gain more engagement due to smart boards. Instead of the typical white or blackboard usually used, a smart board allows classes to be more creative in teaching. Based on what interests students, teachers can use the smart board to ensure everyone is actively paying attention and engaging in the lesson.

Digital Literacy

Out of the biggest issues in the world today, one that has proved detrimental to a person’s career development is the digital literacy gap. The lack of experience using digital technologies leads many to view them with suspicion and not use them. However, in the commercial world, where many businesses are not integrating their operations with digital solutions, many are expected to familiarise themselves with new technology quickly. Not being tech-savvy therefore is no longer an option. It would only lead them to miss out on opportunities. One way to address this is by integrating digital tools on an educational level. Hence, a student who would not own a digital device would still have used and experienced it in a classroom, thereby being able to gain such skills. A smart educational system additionally instils other useful skills like research through access to digital technologies.

Is There A Clear Winner?

To some, smart educational systems seem to be a clear winner in 2023. Since the pandemic, more educational institutes have adopted the requisite infrastructure to integrate smart education features. This has proved to help students customise their education to suit their pace and encourage them to further their education with the unlimited resources available online. Smart education has also proven to help students perform better than in a classroom that solely only adopts traditional learning materials. At the same time, however, for others, smart education can lead to a lack of focus if not appropriately supervised. Hence, many recommend a blended classroom that infuses the best of both educational systems.