Why Does Singapore MOE Plan to Deploy AI in Schools?

There is a buzz about how Singapore’s Ministry of Education (MOE) is planning to implement Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools in their education systems. We know that Singapore is highly enthusiastic about trying out innovations and technology to target their country’s economic growth. The first step to the growth of any aspect of a country is its education system. This is why the Singapore MOE has initiated several strategies to improve the quality and productivity of education for Singaporeans.

In this article, we are going to understand the reasons why MOE Singapore deploys AI tools in schools.

We will explore

How is AI Used in Education in Singapore?

  • You may already know that Singapore is using its full potential to grow in every aspect by 2030 as part of its ‘Smart Nation Plan’. Linked to this, the government has declared an academic-specific plan named ‘Edtech Master Plan 2030’.
  • This is the main reason that AI is increasingly integrated into education in Singapore. To back up this effort and as the pilot programme, the Pri 5 maths tool was implemented in schools last year. After its success, the government is now trying to deploy more AI tools to help education institutes.
  • Likewise, AI-powered adaptive learning systems are to be utilised to tailor learning paths according to individual student’s strengths and weaknesses within the Singapore education framework. These systems analyse student performance data, identify areas needing improvement, and provide targeted practice exercises and resources accordingly.
  • Moreover, AI-enabled tools assist teachers in creating customised lesson plans and assessments, freeing up time for personalised instruction.
  • Additionally, AI supports collaborative learning environments through virtual classrooms and interactive platforms.
  • This comprehensive approach aims to improve student engagement and enable educators to track progress more effectively. According to the education experts in Singapore, these efforts will help build a more efficient and effective learning process for students in Singapore.

What is the Pri 5 Math Tool?

  • The Pri 5 Maths tool in Singapore has been designed and developed as a digital learning resource specifically designed to aid primary 5 students in mathematics education. It is an adaptive learning system (ALS) for mathematics. This was initially implemented in around 33 schools in Singapore.
  • It comprises interactive exercises, tutorials, and assessments aligned with the Singapore maths curriculum.
  • Utilising AI, it adapts to students’ individual learning needs, providing personalised practice and feedback to enhance comprehension and mastery of mathematical concepts at the primary 5 levels.
  • When tracking the progress of the Pri 5 Tool, some teachers have exclaimed that the AI technologies make it possible for them to better address each student’s unique requirements and free up more time for instruction.
  • As the pilot programme proceeds with immense success, now the education authorities have decided to introduce more AI tools in schools under the national strategy ‘Edtech Master Plan 2030’. This aims to encourage the transformative potential of technology in the Singaporean education system and bridge the gaps between teaching and learning.

Main Reasons for Singapore MOE to Plan to Deploy AI in Schools

More Space to Offer Personalised Learning

Why should AI be used in education? The answer is that it creates more opportunities to cater to personalised learning experiences.

Now let us explain the mechanism behind this. Through sophisticated algorithms, AI in education analyses each student’s learning patterns, strengths, weaknesses, and preferences. Based on this analysis, AI platforms generate adaptive learning paths that cater to diverse learning styles and paces.

For example, a student who excels in visual learning will receive more interactive and visual content. Likewise, another student who benefits from auditory instruction will receive audio-based explanations. As you can see, this adaptive learning system by MOE will be a great way to establish uniformity in education.

Moreover, AI continuously adjusts these learning paths based on real-time performance data. It ensures that students receive personalised instruction that is optimised for their unique requirements.

This mechanism allows educators to provide targeted support and interventions precisely where they are needed. The latter generates a deeper understanding and mastery of concepts among students with varying abilities and learning profiles.

With edtech Masterplan 2030 and MOE AI chatbots, no student will be unseen!

Efficiency and Productivity

One of the main reasons for Moe to deploy more AI in the Singapore education system is that it can automate various administrative tasks, such as grading, lesson planning, etc.

As it employs sophisticated algorithms, the AI system can efficiently handle routine administrative duties such as attendance tracking, scheduling, and record-keeping.

If you look into its capacity, you can see that AI streamlines the grading process by automatically scoring assessments, providing immediate feedback to students, and generating detailed performance reports. Moreover, AI-enabled lesson planning tools analyse curriculum requirements, student performance data, and educational objectives to create customised lesson plans tailored to individual student needs.

As a result, teachers can devote more time and energy to higher-value activities, such as mentoring students and developing innovative teaching strategies.

AI helps teachers focus on providing high-quality instruction and creating meaningful learning experiences by taking on the workload of manual chores. This eventually optimises educational results and fosters student achievement in Singaporean schools.

Enhanced Student Engagement

Deploying AI in schools in Singapore enhances student engagement, for sure. But how? This can be done by utilising interactive AI-driven learning platforms and virtual assistants, which make learning more immersive and enjoyable.

Through these platforms or MOE AI chatbots, students can access interactive simulations, educational games, and multimedia content that caters to their individual learning preferences and interests.

AI algorithms analyse student interactions and responses in real-time, adapting the learning experience to suit their needs and providing personalised feedback to reinforce learning. When it comes to MOE, AI chatbots can answer students’ questions, provide explanations, and offer guidance without errors. This fosters a supportive learning environment where students feel empowered to explore and inquire.

This way, the authorities can make learning more interactive and accessible. AI-driven platforms and virtual assistants cultivate a positive attitude towards education, motivating students to actively participate in their learning journey and promoting deeper understanding and retention of knowledge.

This enhanced engagement ultimately contributes to improved academic performance and educational outcomes in Singaporean schools as a part of the edtech master plan 2030.

Customised Support for Students

The implementation of AI in Singaporean schools provides students with individualised support by employing sophisticated algorithms to evaluate performance data and pinpoint students who might need more help or intervention. 

The process is not that complicated. Through continuous monitoring of student progress and engagement, AI can detect patterns indicative of learning difficulties or challenges. Then, with the ability to promptly identify at-risk students, educators can intervene early with targeted support strategies, personalised interventions, or specialised learning resources to address their specific needs and prevent academic setbacks.

The outstanding benefit is that AI lets educators track the effectiveness of interventions over time. They also encourage adjusting support strategies as necessary to ensure ongoing progress and success for each student.

This strategic approach was initially tested through the piloting of MOE initiatives 2023 and it has proven to be highly impactful in all academic areas.

Preparation for the Future Workforce

We know that Singapore is dreaming of becoming a ‘Smart Nation’ in a few years. Becoming smart is not easy, and the country has understood this fact very clearly.

In order to become a powerful nation in Asia and the whole world, they are gradually gathering the necessary weapons.

One of them is preparing a highly talented workforce. Currently, Singapore is witnessing a large gap in fulfilling its workforce requirements. This is why they have to rely on international talents when it comes to specific areas such as technology, healthcare, etc.

However, this is a main barrier for Singapore, and that is why they started to power up their workforces from the stem. This means the education of the youngsters.

Deploying AI in schools in Singapore aids in preparing students for the future workforce by integrating AI into education to develop essential digital literacy and critical thinking skills.

Through exposure to AI-driven learning tools and technologies, students gain hands-on experience with cutting-edge tools and methodologies, giving them a deeper understanding of AI concepts and applications.

Moreover, AI-enhanced curricula encourage students to engage in problem-solving, creativity, and innovation, cultivating critical thinking skills essential for navigating the complexities of a technology-driven world.

When they embrace AI in education, Singapore equips students with the technical proficiency and adaptability needed to thrive in diverse professional environments, from AI development and data analysis to problem-solving and decision-making roles.

This comprehensive preparation ensures that Singaporean students are well-equipped to meet the evolving demands of the future job market and contribute effectively to the growth and innovation of the digital economy.

However, this cannot be done overnight; it requires time and patience, for sure.

Collaborating with AI for a Better Educational Framework in Singapore


Since you have read this whole article, you know that Singapore is not stepping forward blind-folded. They always have a plan! It is only a matter of time to witness the success of these implementations during their quest to become a smart nation in 2030. However, it is equally important to collaborate with a reputed software supplier when purchasing these AI tools.