15 essential considerations when selecting a School Management System

Choosing a competent School Management System (SMS) by your educational institution cannot be emphasised enough. Whether your institution is a school, a training unit, a university or any other educational facility, adopting an SMS will always be mandatory and one of the most important decisions that your administration will make. Therefore, we are going to guide you with 15 essentials considerations that you must apprehend before adopting your SMS.

15 essential considerations when choosing an SMS?

1. Undoubted Accuracy of Data
Accurate Data can be defined as the foundation stone of any software solution. When employing a new SMS to your education centre, you must make sure that you will effortlessly feed historical data to unlock a clean start. So, the vendor must migrate all the data accurately, and the functions carried out by the solution must also unravel accurate data streams. Make sure that your SMS is well-tested for accuracy, mainly whether it provides relevant data or triggers in the most critical events.

2. Super Integration with other Software
Secondly, it is crucial to see how compatible the SMS is going to be. Whether it can interconnect all the submodules and systems from other branches of the education system must be studied. Integration should also improve the pace when loading modules; if the system is integrated but does not provide fast access to the sub software it would be frustrating for the user. Therefore, you can inquire about it from your vendors.

3. Effective Scalability
Traditionally, SMSs deal with multiple parameters, directories, profiles and many other components. Whether it’s the names of the students, classes, teachers or assets of the school, the SMS would house rolls of datasheets in it. This is why you must test for the scalability of the SMS you wish to employ. It is imperative to track relevant data faster and easily by your SMS; which means if your SMS is not scalable, it has a detrimental inefficiency in terms of usage.

4. Mutual Stakeholder Benefits
This is one of the most obvious but most misunderstood efficiencies that a school will discover. It is not just the managers and teachers that must be facilitated by the SMS. It is important to study the side of the students, parents, employees and other stakeholders concerned in using the SMS. Apprehend all dimensions of usage to make sure that all stakeholders can optimally use your institution’s SMS.

5. Financial management
Another not-to-be-missed module that must be housed in your proposed SMS is a ‘Financial Management Software’. All transactions and financial data of the fiscal years must be extracted by your SMS, and most competent SMSs allow data retrievals from multiple budgetary years to mitigate the financial decision-making purposes of the institution’s finance administration.

6. Efficient Analytical and Reporting tools
The education centre’s decision-makers must also investigate the analytical and reporting tools that are fostered by the School Management System. The statistics on how reliable their Business Analytics Platform is going to be, the features in the analytical and reporting tools, and how comprehensive the reports are going to be and more related questions must be asked from your software vendor. You can then get a thorough understanding of how useful the SMS is going to be in terms of making strategic decisions in the education institution.

7. Inheriting Useful Features
Like any software system, your SMS can also accommodate various features. Make sure that your administrative and managerial teams collaborate on a thorough investigation to explore what are the characteristics that your education system must prioritise. This way, you can cross-check whether your software vendor provides all the essential features that you wish from the SMS. For example, if your university is in deep need of a library management system, you can check whether your SMS vendor can integrate a Library System with the determined features that are proposed by your team.

8. Proactive Responsiveness
This essential consideration defines how important it is for you to analyse the responsiveness of your SMS. When you are provided with a demo or trial version by your software vendor, you have to run various test runs to check for the responsiveness of the solution. It can be tested under a staged critical situation, for instance, you can check whether the system is responsive when the teacher requirements of a particular class are not sufficient for the scheduled lecture or whether a teacher is not attending school on a specific day.

9. User-friendly Interfaces
User-friendliness of the system is a must-considered factor when choosing an SMS to your educational firm. It determines how beneficial, useful and how fast the system is going to be naturalised in your working environment. The main goal in considering this characteristic is making sure that your employees’ work or any stakeholders’ operational and managerial experiences are improved and mitigated astoundingly.

10. Data Security
A competent SMS would always house fully-trained security systems and an adequate backup repository. This way, the education institution’s sensitive data will not be mishandled or used fraudulently; also, in case of data deletion, the users can confidently retrieve data from the backup. The backup can either be cloud-based or on-site, consult your vendors to learn what are the most fitting backup systems and security systems that you must house in your institution’s SMS.

11. Upgradable
Information Technology is fast-moving, whether it’s the operations of your system or how the system design looks like, your systems will need revamps from time to time. Make sure you ask the vendors whether they are upgradable, this way you know that when your system is outdated, what you must do; whether you can request for a revamp or use customisable tools to change how they look or allow the schools IT technician to upgrade it.

12. Offered by experienced Vendors
Your organisation must find the right software vendor to entrust with building your SMS. They should be well-versed on your requirements and offer the solution at affordable and reasonable prices too. You can take the time to study the costs of considerable SMSs available in the market and the expertise of the software solution providers that you can access so that you know that you can meet proficient vendors and bargain confidently.

13. Vendor’s Support
Another most vital consideration that you must assess is how assistive your vendors will be. Some software vendors would provide demos, trial versions of the systems you wish to buy or guide you through the right solutions appropriately. But not only in the time of implementing the software, but their support is also needed even after adoption, so you must consider how proactive they are in assisting you.

14. Visionary Roadmaps
You must also inquire of your software vendor whether they are going to provide you with a roadmap to be well-versed about how your company will mature with the SMS that they develop. This will ensure that your endeavour in adopting the SMS is going to be feasible, trackable and long-lasting

15. Determining the skills needed by your institution
From your end, it is vital that you must consider the right skills needed by your institution to operate the proposed SMS. Research on your IT infrastructure and make sure that the related IT professionals are positioned to handle each departmentalised software. Also, all teachers, students, parents, managers and administrators can be walked through meetings and presentations on how beneficial having an SMS is going to be. So, they will comprehensively understand how the SMS will be facilitative and essential for their contribution or service gaining from the education centre, in other words why a digital transition is needful for the education centre.

As quoted by Alan Lakein, “Failing To Plan Is Planning To Fail” it is of most importance that you plan. Therefore, make sure that you are fully geared up and have fully apprehended all the technological needs of your institution before finding a suitable vendor. After the adoption of SMS, detrimental aftereffects such as change fatigue of employees who are not tech-savvy, and new arising requirements of the institution must also be studied by you. The collaboration of your team and doing exhaustive homework on the software vendors, edutech solutions, existing SMSs is highly recommended. We hope that you are fully aware of the considerations that matter the most when choosing an adept SMS to your education centre. Contact Tigernix for more guidance in this regard.