How Can We Increase Residents’ Family Engagement in Elder Care Homes?

Do you know that elders with regular family contacts are more adaptable and have higher levels of psychological well-being in elder care homes? But how can you get the family members to visit the residents more often?  It is common knowledge that bringing families to residents is often challenging for a variety of social and economic reasons. The most frequent ones include physical distance and a lack of time due to external responsibilities.

However, the viability and success of long-term care organisations depend on their interaction with residents and relatives. It enables you to create a “happy community” that appeals to prospective people living there. In this article, we will explore the 10 ways to increase residents’ family engagement in elder care homes.

Top 10 Ways to Increase Residents' Family Engagement in Elder Care Homes

The Setting up of Communication Platforms

Setting up effective communication pathways is a crucial approach for raising resident family engagement in eldercare facilities. Care homes can bridge the gap between residents and their families and establish a solid and encouraging relationship by putting in place effective methods of interaction. One strategy is to set up frequent contact channels, such as email updates or a special family site, where families can get information on the status, activities, and any major developments of their loved ones.

Family members can get involved in their loved one’s care by using these channels to keep informed and connected. Eldercare settings could enhance the entire family involvement experience by encouraging open lines of communication and making sure that families feel appreciated, included, and informed.

Organising Family Gatherings

A good way to encourage residents’ engagement with eldercare infrastructure with their families is by planning family get-togethers. These events provide families with a wonderful chance to interact with their loved ones in a welcoming and welcoming environment. These events, which promote family connection, improve the environment for the inhabitants while fostering a sense of community and belonging.

Family members can improve their bonds and foster emotional well-being by taking part in their loved ones’ regular activities. Sharing meals, participating in activities, and appreciating quality time spent together are all practices that foster a sense of community and foster shared experiences. These gatherings improve the lines of communication between relatives and carers, ensuring that residents’ needs are fulfilled as soon as possible.

Flexible Visitation Policy

Eldercare facilities need to have a compassionate visitation policy in order to boost family involvement and enhance the lives of elderly people. The homes express their appreciation for the importance of maintaining strong family relationships and emotional well-being by enacting such a policy. A flexible visiting schedule that considers various commitments and schedules enables families to visit their loved ones whenever it is most convenient.

This openness encourages a sense of trust and respect between families and caregivers, facilitating communication and collaboration. Families are provided with the resources they need to actively participate in the lives of the persons they care about by offering them companionship and emotional support. Due to additional opportunities for visitation, residents’ general quality of life is higher and their social isolation and connections are minimised.


Educating Families

Eldercare organisations need to educate the relatives of elderly people to increase their involvement in the program. Homes provide comprehensive education to families, enabling them to understand the unique needs and challenges that their loved ones may be experiencing. A wide range of subjects, such as age-related health problems, communication skills, and activities that promote wellness, are covered in this program.

Gaining this knowledge enables families to support and actively participate with their loved ones, giving them more self-assurance. Education also fosters empathetic thinking which enables families to better understand residents’ feelings and experiences. With greater understanding, families, and caregivers could collaborate productively to ensure person-centred care.

Virtual Communication Options

One successful approach to increase family engagement in elder care facilities is to establish online communication channels. By implementing these solutions, the physical distance between residents and their family members could be removed, allowing for regular and in-depth communication. Virtual platforms like video calls and messaging apps make it simple and flexible for families to stay in touch with their loved ones.

Technology makes it possible to communicate face-to-face, exchange information, and get emotional support from others, regardless of distance. Virtual communication systems that allow for family involvement in healthcare decisions are utilised to foster a collaborative approach. 

The assurance and comfort that they are able to keep connected despite any difficulties is another plus of these solutions for individuals and their families.

Sharing Progress Reports

Though the families of the residents of elderly care homes are distant physically they would like to know more about their loved ones in various ways. One of the most effective strategies is sharing the progress of elderly people with their families in a timely manner. These reports are a way to gain valuable insights into the lives of residents and keep the families up-to-date with the latest information. On the other hand by implementing this strategy elder care facilities also can build confidence in their clients by being open.

Families can take an active role in their loved ones’ journey at an unfamiliar location thanks to this information, which keeps them informed about the care being offered. Progress reports also help families and caregivers work together, making it possible to customise care plans and make changes in response to residents’ changing requirements. These reports also provide families peace of mind and a sense of certainty, encouraging them to have faith in the care being given.

Boosting Community Sense

This strategy works well in fostering the involvement of families in eldercare facilities. A pleasant and open atmosphere with strong community links makes families feel involved and included. Eldercare facilities can organise community celebrations, activities, and social gatherings to foster relationships and communication between elderly people and their families.

Events like these make it great for both parties to bond with each other and it permits to know other families as well. As a family, they are welcome to share their experiences, newly found approaches to medical treatments of elderly people, and sharing more knowledge on caring for elders, etc. The sense of belonging to a community makes them feel special and it makes an urge to be an active participant in the community as well.

Point of Contact for Family

This appointed individual serves as a primary point of contact between families and the care facility by maintaining regular communication and responding to any inquiries or concerns. When there is a dedicated point of contact, families feel more secure knowing they have someone they can call for updates or to talk about their loved ones.

The person who is appointed as the point of contact can be the central resource person when it comes to the well-being of the resident, new implementations in caregiving, and medical requirements. The elder homes will find it easier to contact one person for each concern as when there are multiple contacts, there will be various miscommunication issues. Once it is necessary to make an important decision on a resident such as health issues or anything, there is direct contact from the family of the elder person who has gained knowledge about the whole caregiving process from A to Z. So, it will not be necessary for the medical professionals and the caregivers to explain everything from scratch.

Open for Feedback

Feedback is the number one strategy to know the true expectations of the client of elder care homes. It is important to make an environment to receive honest feedback from the families of residents regarding the treatments their loved ones receive, the meals, care procedures, and everything. When the feedback is welcomed at a facility there is a high possibility that the new good implementations take place often. Feedback is a valuable platform to fill the gaps between the expectations and the reality in such facilities.

This transparency could make it easier for families and caregivers to work together. Homes are able to pinpoint areas for improvement and make the necessary adjustments with the aid of the family. Elder care facilities also demonstrate their dedication to providing top-notch, client-centred care, increasing engagement among families, and enhancing clients’ general wellness by embracing remarks.

Sharing Opinions on Challenges

Elder care homes can encourage families to speak up in public about the issues they experience in the care environment in order to advance a cooperative and inclusive strategy. Care facilities can find out a lot about potential development areas by paying close attention to the issues and viewpoints of families.

Also, there will be some points that the families find challenging to face the truth that their loved ones are ageing. With the process of ageing, there might be health issues, social behaviour issues, etc. When being open and making them share their opinion about these areas will be a relief for the other families to know that it is common for all.

Making the Whole Elder Care Home Processing Simple


As we can see, it is important for the elder care home authorities to keep the importance of family engagement in their minds when running a facility. The whole process is made simple when all the communication happens through a proper system. Though there are many systems available in the market, you need to keep your requirements in mind when opting for this high-level technology.