With the dawn of the New Year 2024, we have stepped into an era where every business depends on one powerful factor: digitalisation. If we look back in time, businesses used to employ traditional methods to expedite the growth of their operations. But the times have changed drastically. In today’s world, digital platforms take centre […]
Singapore is home to many caregiving centres for seniors as the government puts more focus on the lives of elderly people in the country. Previously, there were many misunderstandings between the families of seniors and the caregivers regarding the safety of their loved ones. In order to fill the gaps of this concern, elder care […]
As the school management authority, can incidents of bullying inside your school be reported to you occasionally? Such cases should be attended to responsively because one bullying incident can pose a threat to a student’s emotional and physical well-being. There are main stakeholders that you have to interact with to ensure that bullying is not […]
Did you know that only 25% of new businesses make it to 15 years or beyond? Yes, though it is an unfortunate situation, every new business has to face it, whether they like it or not. However, when you reopen your business, this situation takes on a different face, as you are going to enter […]
The alcohol industry is one of the most complex industries in the world, and they are required to adhere to strict regulations and laws. Going beyond this nature, this particular industry has been built on a foundation that consists of many elements such as materials, production, machinery, quality, distribution, etc. Just a simple mistake in […]
We know that the whole school management team is going to face a challenging situation if you fail to be a responsible person for the school’s overall operations. With a massive load of administration work, scheduling classes, assigning teachers, etc., how can you take care of everything single-handedly as the management authority? In the meantime, […]
It goes without saying that a business lies in the hands of its customers. It is true that customer recruitment is significantly important, but on the other hand, more importance should be given to the customer retention part. This applies to each industry, and field service management cannot move away from this theory. Considering the […]
Business management is complex by nature, and this is why most businesses tend to fail in today’s evolving and competitive market. However, when you are handling a business, it is highly required that you keep in touch with its ongoing success, pain points, and the prospective challenges that are coming your way. The best strategy […]
We have stepped into an era where the people who need mental care receive the attention they require unlimitedly due to the blooming industry of mental health. However, this industry encounters various challenges as the nature of it is too complicated and sensitive. There is a heavy possibility of everything going wrong if the mental […]
From planning your investment and its execution to receiving maximum ROI, mining companies have to make some difficult decisions. These decisions can help your mining company reach the ladder of success, and on the other hand, one wrong decision can drag you down to ‘zero’. This is why you have to be extra careful when […]