How Can A Training Management System Improve Customer Relations?

A training management system effectively controls all training operations at a centre. The trainer’s role in the centre is to help other companies by ensuring their employees are best equipped to do their roles. As a result, trainers are expected to be well-versed in the specific functions that the relevant department in a company requires training on. A training management system has many features. From managing trainees, to handling and processing finances, the tools it offers are wide ranigng and endless. 

Did you know that it costs five times more to attract a new customer than to keep an existing one?  Improving customer service is one way to ensure enough business is brought into the training centre. The training centre needs to often liaise and communicate with prospective clients, and hence, incorporating digital tools to improve customer relations play a significant role in ensuring the training centre improves over time. This latter function is executed by collecting feedback from trainees after a course is completed and passing it on to the management to ensure the necessary changes are implemented. 

To ensure customer services are successful the training centre must also coordinate between departments. This can be time-consuming if no there is no integrated platform to communicate on. Those working in the training centre must also consistently build a rapport among clients to encourage them to keep sending their employees for future training sessions to the centre if needed. To help training centres with all this, a powerful training management system with customer services is an asset. This article will discuss how a training management system can help a training centre improve customer relations.

Training Management System and Bolstering Healthy Customer Relationships

A report by Forbes notes that 72 per cent of CEOs consider customer relations and keeping their clients happy as a priority. Hence, tools that manage and helps to imporve customer relations have been recognised as compulsory modules in a training management system. Maintaining relations should not be limited to the duration the training centre teaches a specific course. Training centres should make the extra effort to keep in touch with customers after the course is completed and nurture existing relationships. Here is how an organisation can use a training management system to help them with their customer relations: 

Finding Your Target Audience

While training centres provide a range of sessions to corporations, some training centres may specialise in providing a specific type of training for companies. A good customer relations tool can help training centres identify which corporations would be interested in their services. Instead of making assumptions, this advanced tool can make data-driven insights. By examining skillsets that the market demands, find which large-scale or small-scale companies can make a financial investment in courses conducted by training centres to increase and develop skills in their employees.

Synchronise the Calenders of Both Parties

Meeting potential clients and scheduling calls is a part of managing customer relations. A feature of a customer relations tool in a training management system is that it will efficiently schedule any calls in both parties’ calendars. Hence, not only will the managers of the training centre not forget about important calls with partners or clients, but an automated reminder will be sent to the client on the day of the call. A calendar management tool is an excellent module to include in a training management system to handle such processes.

Giving Personalised Treatment for Each Customer

No two companies are the same. Hence, a training centre should not approach all types of clients similarly. Take the time to do respective research on the kind of company the client is. Each discussion with the client should be followed by follow-up emails on the key points clarifying what the company expects its employees to learn from the training course. Efforts should also be made to advise clients on the latest modules that will help their trainees be equipped with the latest standards required in the industry. Taken in another way, the team should attempt to showcase how the client’s problems can be addressed through its training courses. After the client is confirmed, a corporate client portal and/or a corporate client registration management tool is beneficial. Such modules would ideally have stored all the information regarding the client, including the notes taken during the meetings held. This helps ensure that the training course is customised according to the client’s needs.

Provide Prompt Responses To All Trainee Enquiries

It is not enough to impress a potential customer only to confirm their participation in the training courses. It is vital to maintain customer relations when the training session starts. Hence, prompt responses should be made when a trainee has an enquiry which is made through email or an online enquiry system. Whether it concerns the next training session or whether it is on the material required for the course, it is essential to help trainees in every aspect. This also includes notifying trainees early of any cancellations in training sessions. Any material required for the course should also be made available for trainees on time. One integral aspect of a training course is to provide the certificate that confirms the trainee has successfully completed it. The slower a training centre provides these, the higher the chances of the trainees not returning in the potential future or recommending the training centre to others. Hence, training centres are expected to act speedily in every respect. 

Reach Out Post-Course

Most training centres make the mistake of only communicating with the trainees to get them registered or to keep them continuing the course. One of the most important steps to implement when maintaining customer relations is the process that comes after the course ends. For instance, sending out a message for feedback is an excellent way to consider what features or aspects of the training program reflected negatively for each trainee. Another good option is assessing the trainee profile made in the training management system. This allows the training centre to consider the trainee’s progress and find which parts of training were positive on an average. All this information can be used to attract more customers. It is also pivotal that any negative feedback is communicated to the management in the training centre to address them. A training management system integrates all departments efficiently, making the communication more manageable. Tracking each department to ensure the changes are made is a great way to utilise the customer management tool and other features in a training management system. 

Become A Training Centre That Values Customer Relations

The first thing that comes to a person’s mind when they hear about a training management system may not be customer relations. Training management systems are popularly known for optimising all administrative tasks. However an innovaitive digital solutions provider like Tigernix takes it to another level. It helps training centres to attract customers, maintain relations while they are trainees and keep in touch with them post-course. The way you conduct and manage yourself in each of these three stages makes a significant impact on your clients. If you provide standardised training courses and value customer relations you will have no problem attracking more customers in addition to managing a database of loyal clients. Surge ahead from your competitiors by incorperating the rights customer relations tools into your training management system.